影片聚焦法国平易近族女英雄圣女贞德(玛利亚·法奥康涅蒂 Maria Falconetti饰)生命的最后时刻,再现了她被出卖落进勃艮第叛军手中后,在英格兰牢狱和法庭上,从受审处处死的全进程。被英格兰政府周密节制的上帝教会,指控贞德为异端和女巫。法庭上,法官更捏造证据,以崇奉题目不竭对她施以精力上和肉体上的熬煎。面临惨绝人寰的严刑与化为乌有的诬告,贞德大义凛然、坚毅不平。最后,贞德被押赴鲁昂市广场,被绑在火刑柱上活活烧死。 由一代片子年夜师卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶执导拍摄的影片《圣女贞德蒙难记》,被称为世界十年夜最好影片之一。影片以极具震动力的艺术表示手法,再现了这段遭到上帝教会和英国占据军熬煎的平易近族英雄短暂生射中的最后时刻。
Central Park is a unique, genre bending thriller/horror film that spans one night in the worlds most famous park. Six best friends, high school students, prepare for a night of fun. School is boring, family life unbearable, and Harold and his friends have turned Central Park into their spot. Young and invincible; Harold and his crew own this city. Unbeknownst to them, a revenge-seeking executioner prepares to kill them off one by one to pay for the sins of the father.